Bad Luck

On this Friday the Thirteenth we will recognize all the events in our daily lives that  could bring you misfortune including…

Cutting  your hair outside and not cleaning it up. If a bird builds a nest with your hair… bad luck!

Taking something from the sea and bringing it into your home. You have a sea shell on your nightstand… bad luck!

Walking underneath a ladder. Even if it is to avoid a black cat from crossing your path… bad luck!

Staring into a mirror and saying “Bloody Mary” thirteen times… bad luck!

Breaking the mirror without saying, “Bloody Mary” even once… seven years of bad luck!

Step on a crack, break yo mama’s back… bad luck… for Mom.

Spilling salt on a table… bad luck!

Unless you toss the spilt salt over your left shoulder… then it is bad luck for the guy sitting behind you who just had his suit dry cleaned!

Open an umbrella inside… bad luck!

Open an umbrella outside… also bad luck because that means it’s raining and you have to cancel the picnic!

Women, or metrosexual men, you put your purse on the ground… bad luck!

You give someone a gift of a wallet and you don’t put money in it… bad luck or cheap friend?

You don’t read… bad luck! Or maybe good taste?

One thought on “Bad Luck

  1. Hmmm, on the last question, yes, good taste!lol Love the pic by the way!

    Don’t forget saying, “I’ll be right back.” Bad luck for everyone.

    Forgetting to wear your dirty jock strap because flies are lucky…bad luck!

    Stepping on the foul line on a baseball field…bad luck.

    Not ducking down in a submarine…bad luck…for your head.

    Rabbit’s foot….bad luck….for the rabbit.

    Not telling someone to “break a leg” before a performance…bad luck.

    Stepping on a jellyfish…bad luck.

    Lighting a fart…could be bad luck.

    Reading comments from your readers…bad luck.

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